Selenium Interview Questions
What is WebDriver?
What are the methods Present in the WebDriver interface?
What is the difference between get() and
Method ?
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); How does it work?
What are the reasons we don’t write “FirefoxDriver driver =
new FirefoxDriver();”.
Do we have another way to enter text in to the text box
without sendKeys() function?
Is WebElement is interface or a class?
What are the methods present in the WebElement interface ?
What is the return type of navigate method ?
Explain navigate().to() function. ?
How to find the count of total number of input box on the
page ?
How to print the text present on the button ?
How to find the total number of buttons present on the page
How to find the width and height of the button ?
What error message would return if we pass wrong xpath
How to find the x and Y coordinates for any web Element in
How to get typed text from a textbox ?
What is the super interface of Selenium ?
What all methods are present in super interface of selenium?
What are the different ways to click on the link?
How to find all the links present on the page?
How to find all the hidden links present on the page ?
How to find all the broken links present on the page ?
Explain list interface in java Collections ?
How to get the index of the object present in the list?
What is the difference between findElement and findElements?
What exception will you get if you don’t find any element on
the page using findElement and findElements?
How to click all the links present on the page one by one ?
How to click on the hidden link present on the page ?
Difference between List and Set Interface ?
What is meant by ArraryList is not synchronized ?
Explain IsDisplayed method in Selenium ?
What is Random class in java?
Write a program for below mention scenario.
Let say we have 50 links on the page and every
time I run the test I wanted to click a link randomly
Write a program to find total number of radio button on the
page ?
WAP to find selected radio button for rediff sign-up page ?
Create a function to get all the links present on the page.
Create a function to get list of all the visible links.
Create a function to get the list of link present in a
specific div.
Create a function to click on the link based on user inputs.
Create a function which will click on any random link.
(Random Class)
Create a function to get the herf attribute value of the
Create a function to select dropdown value using sendkeys
Create a function to select any value from dropdown using
Select class.
Create a function to get the list of all the dropdown
Create a function to get the text of selected element
present in the dropdown.
Create a function to get count of window instances.
Create a function to get count of frames present on the
Create a function to switch on desired window and close that
pop-up window.
Create a function to check in Alert is present.
Create a function to get the text of alert and close the
Create a function to switch on the desired frame.
Which function we used to get back from frame to window.
Suppose we have two frames on a page 1 want to click ok
button which is present on first frame and then would like to click on refresh
button which Is present on the second frame write a code for the same.
What is the difference between quit and close function.
How to handle light boxes in selenium for reference use
Flipkart login.
How to handle Java Alert
Create a custom function having return type as webElement
based on any locator.
Create function to hover and click.
Create a program to use draganddrop functionality
Create a function to take the screenshots
Create a function to scroll down.
Create a function to scroll at a particular element
Create a function to simulate right click of mouse
Create a function to store all the values for a particular column
Create a function to store all the values for a particular
Row ?
What is meant by locators list out all the locator Names?
Create a OpenApplication function which include implicit
wait as well as PageTimeOut.
What is the difference between Implicit wait and explicit
ExpectedConditions is
a class or a interface ?
How to get the path till current working directory.
How to handle window based pop-up.
Question :- What is
the full form for ANT and POI ?