GIT Cheat Sheet

Thomson Reuters :- Selenium Interview Questions and answers

1.difference between list and set

List does can have repeat elements whereas set cannot have repeats. In list insertion order is not stored, whereas in set insertion order is maintained.

2. Write a program for fibinocis series

fibonacci series is easy.
int first = 0;
int second = 1;
SOP(first + " " + seconds + " ");
int next = 0;
for (int i = 0;i<num;i++)
next = first + second;
first = second;
second = next;

3.he wrote some program we have to find which type of inheritence

4.difference between abstract class and interface

Abstract class is used when you know partial implementation whereas interface is when you dont know the complete implementation. In abstract class you need to have at least one abstract method whereas in interface all methods are abstract.

5.can we change public static like static public

Yes we can change

6.can we override main method

Main method can be overloaded and not override

7.what is constructor

Constructor is a method which is of the same name as a class. It is executed when an object of that class is created.

8. He gave one program which contain static and non static block and constructor. Write output

9. Lot of programs we have to write output

10.what is the latest version of selenium
selenium 3.9

11. What is difference between selenium 2 and 3

12.write a code set property for Firefox driver

 System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "C:\\__path__");

13.what are methods available in action class

moveToElement, pressAndHold, contextClick, doubleClick

14.drag and drop selenium.


Python Day 01 Basic Introduction of Python

Python is a general-purpose interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, and high-level programming language.
  • Python is dynamic typed programming language.
  • Python is a platform independent language.
  • Python is interpreted programming language.
  • Python is freeware and Open Source language.
  • Python is extensible language.

  1. ·         Functional programming languages has been borrowed from c
  2. ·         Object oriented programming concept has been borrowed from c++.
  3. ·         Script programming language concept from shell & Perl
  4. ·         Modular programming language from Modula-3

Note: - 
  • Most of the syntax has been borrowed from C and ABC language.
  • In Python we have 30 keywords although in java we have 53.
  • In Python we will not require to specify the type of variable
  • Python new version i.e. 3 does not support Python 2  i.e. for old version

Flavors of python
  • ·         CPython :- used to work with C language
  • ·         Jython :- used to work with Java language
  • ·         JPython :- used to work with Java language
  • ·         IronPython :-
  • ·         Pypy :- Inside Python machine we have JIT compiler to improve the performance
  • ·         RubyPython:- used to work with Ruby language
  • ·         AnacondaPython:- used to work with big data or Hadoop
  • ·         Stackless :- used to work in multi-threading environment

Python Versions
  • ·         Python 1.0 introduced in Jan 1994 (Obsolete)
  • ·         Python 2.0 introduced in Oct 2000
  • ·         Python 3.0 introduced in Dec 2008
      • Python 3.6.3 is the latest version introduced in 2016.


Basic Syntax  :- Copy the below code and try to run the same you will get some idea

print("Hello Python")

a,b,c =10,20,40



def f1(): print("good day")


for i in range(5):
x= 10 if c>b else 20

def f2():
    print("let test another functions" ,x)

import math

from random import *
for i in range(10):

Manual Testing Scenario Based Questions and Answers

Question :-

Suppose Amazon overtake Walmart but there is no merging of any content. Both will be working as two different websites at the front end but will be sharing a common backend process. Please specify the Test scenarios, plan and what kind of testing would you do.


1. As the backend of both e-commerce sites will be same, then the both sites user database should be one
2. User money transactions done in both sites should be reflected in one major account with detailed transactions details of every transaction.
3. The sellers who are tied up respective company there database needs to be maintained pretty well
4. When merged the backend of both, there should be no conflicts in user ids, we should also check the scenarios of users who are registered with both sites.
5. As the front end didn't changed, there should not be mix up in the front end products(as the backend is same, the products of respective sites should not be displayed in the other sites)
6. The promotional mails which will be sent to their respective registered users list should not get mixed(Amazon users should not get walmart mails and vice-versa)
7. If any offers Amazon is offering the same should not get affected or applied to walmart.
8. The money in their respective wallet should not get affected.
9. The respective apps must function same like before merge
10. When one site's changes are made and pushed to the server, the other site functionality should not get affected.
Etc etc


Suppose you have a mobile application ready and working fine now client want to have a same application on the website having same functionality. How it will make you change in terms of testing. what are the things you will keep in mind and how will you make test plan of it.

can somebody help and give me the best answer of it.
Answer :-

1. First we should test the screen alignment in web application when accessed through browser

2. Security testing needs to be done from different browsers
3. Load and stress test needs to be done
4. Extra functionalities as per the req should be tested
5. User database should be verified
6. Compatibility with browsers needs to be tested
7. Screen resolution needs to be tested
8. Offline functionalities should be tested
9. Negative testing like while user browsing that webpage what if power goes off and internet goes off
10. Interruption testing like, while using that webpage receiving skype call, PC updates, antivirus updates etc...