Mobile Application Testing
Test Case Check List for Mobile Applications
- Write Test Case to verify if Applications be installed on the device?
- Write Test Case to verify if Applications behave as per the requirement, if there is an incoming call?
- Write Test Case to verify if Applications behave as per the requirement, in case of incoming SMS?
- Write Test Case to verify if Applications behave as per the requirement, when charger is plugged in?
- Write Test Case to verify if Applications behave as per the requirement, when charger is disconnected?
- Write Test Case to verify if Applications behave as per the requirement, when mobile is in sleeping mode
- Write Test Case to verify if Applications behave as per the requirement, if the mobile resumes from sleeping mode
- Write Test Case to verify if Applications behave as per the requirement, when mobile resumes from lock screen?
- Write Test Case to verify if Applications behave as per the requirement, when Mobile is tilted?
- Write Test Case to verify if Applications behave as per the requirement, if the Mobile is shaken?
- Write Test Case to verify if Applications behave as per the requirement, if a local message is coming from another app (Like: calendar reminders, wifi devices, task etc.).
- Click here for More Test Case