Selenium Architecture Java

    Selenium - Java Architecture (Interfaces & Classes)

    Selenium Architecture (Interfces and Classes) 

    • In the Previous blog we already discussed about the Selenium Webdriver Architecture (WebDriver Architecture) to understand how Selenium WebDriver works and interact with browsers.
    • In this blog we will be understanding how selenium classes and interface interact with each other and what is the parent class and inteface we have in selenium.

    Selenium WebDriver Architecture with Super class and Super Interface

    • SearchContext  is the super interface (Parent Inteface) present in SELENIUM WebDriver.
    • An interface called WebDriver extends SearchContext interface.
    • All the interfaces (Interface) defined in SELENIUM are implemented by a super class (Parent class) called RemoteWebDriver.
    • RemoteWebDriver is again extended by all the browser supported by selenium few example as:
        • FirefoxDriver 
        • ChromeDriver 
        • InternetExplorerDriver

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