switchTo() Methods in Selenium (WebDriver)


switchTo() Methods in Selenium (WebDriver)

  • The Switch Method is used for switching to windows, frames, and pop-up box. Several methods are accessed via switchTo() which is a WebDriver.TargetLocator interface. 

  • The switchTo() method switches focus to the target element.

Functions can be called using swithTo()

  • Selenium WebDriver assigns unique id to handle all windows.
  • The id is to switch control between each window

++++++++++++++++++++Interview Question with Answers++

How do you handle context menu?

Ans: Right clicking is also called as Contextclick.

When we right click on any element we get list of options which is called as context menu.

To right click on the element we use contextClick() method of Actions class. and to select required option in the contextmenu, we press the shortcut such as "t" for new tab, "w" for newwindow etc using sendKey() method of Actions class.


When to use defaultContent() and parentFrame() method while working with frame.

In order to transfer the control back to the main page we can use the following statements:

Example: -  driver.switchTo().defaultContent();

In case of nested frames, to switch from child frame to parent frame we can use following statements;


Example: -  driver.switchTo().parentFrame();


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