Java Programs for SDET Interview


Reverse a string in java 

public class ReverseString {

public static void main(String[] args) {

String value = "selenium";

String newvalue ="";

//convert string to character

char val[]= value.toCharArray();

for(int i = val.length-1; i>=0;i--)



// convert character to string again

newvalue = newvalue.concat(Character.toString(val[i]));






Get unique charcters from a string in java 

public static void main(String args[])
String value = "selenium";

//get the lenght of the string 

int stringlength = value.length();

//Create a set of characters

HashSet<Character> set=new HashSet();  

for(int i =0; i<stringlength ;i++ )

// convert string to array of characters and add in set interface



To get the count of charcters from a string in java 

public static void main(String[] args) {
String temp = "interview prepration for sdet";

// array of index

int[] index = new int[temp.length()];  

// declare two variable for index values and count

int i, j;

// array of characters

char characterarray[] = temp.toCharArray();  
for( i =0; i<temp.length();i++)

// store index values for the characters

index[i] =1;

for ( j =i+1 ;j<temp.length(); j++)




characterarray[j] = '0'; 

System.out.println("Characters and their corresponding frequencies");  

for(i = 0; i <index.length; i++) {  

        if(characterarray[i] != ' ' && characterarray[i] != '0')  

        System.out.println(characterarray[i] + "-" + index[i]); 


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