Delta Live Tables || Error message meaning and resolution


RuntimeError: Query defined in function 'functionName' returned 'NoneType'. It must return either a Spark or Koalas DataFrame.

Resolution :-

Check the function/DLT table and verify if this delta table function/Table is returning some dataframe or not since every delta live table should return some dataframe



Could not materialize 'tableName' because a STREAMING_TABLE table already exists with that name.

Resolution :

As error message clearly indicating that there is some existing streaming table present in the system with the same name using which you are trying to create a materialized view.


Always remember when you are working with streaming dataset 

when dealing with streaming DataFrames in Spark, performing a Left Anti Join where the streaming DataFrame is on the right side of the join operation is not currently supported.


com.databricks.pipelines.InvalidContextState: read(...) or readStream(...) must not be called outside of graph evaluation.

you have to ceate a delta live table using @dlt.table as below and then use your code.

@dlt.table(name = "testing")
def testing_data()


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