Firefox Parameter :- How to download File with Selenium

Steps to check the Firefox Profile:

1. Write "about:config" in address bar.
2. Hit on Enter Button.
3. Click on i will be careful, I Promise.

Now open to define the profile of firefox.

Run below command

firefox.exe -p profilemanager

window will be open as below.

Now click on create profile button.

Now click on Next button and enter the name by which you want to create the profile.

now click on finish then you will get to see that new profile has been created for firefox as show in below screen print.

Now this will be like a fresh firefox in your system.

like this when selenium launch  firefox it will open a fresh firefox profile, but now lets assume a situation where we want to open the firefox which has been saved by us, so there is an class in selenium which required to open the profiled firefox i.e. "ProfileIni".

we can create the object of firefox profile which can be used to get the profile which are saved by us.

let have a look to below mention example.

before running this program i have bookmark in selenium profile firefox let's run it and check the browser which will be open by selenium.

now see below that google bookmark is present in the browser which is open by selenium.

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