Steps to install testNG in eclipse

1. Launch Eclipse IDE and click on the Help tab under the menu options and select Install New Software.

2. After clicking on Install New Software option, a window will be displayed where you need to click on “Add”  button.

3. When you click on Add button, it will ask you to enter the search details. Enter the following details :
Name : TestNG
Location :

4 . Click on Ok and it will show you an option TestNG. Click on the check box given with it and click on the NEXT button.

5 . The next step is to agree on the license agreement.

6 . A warning will come which you can ignore and click on Ok.

7. It will ask you to restart Eclipse, restart it by clicking on Restart button.

8. The configuration is done now, if you want to check whether it has been installed or not, you can right click on your project and you will find TestNG option listed there.

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